East African Regional workshop on research networking and proposal writing at Murang’a University of Technology 29 April – 2 May 2024

About Event

The International Science, Technology, and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC-UNESCO); National Research Fund, Kenya (NRF); Maseno University (MSU); The Technical University of Kenya (TUK); Murang’a University of Technology (MUT) and the African Science and Technology Policy Institute (ASTePI) to collaboratively offer  a four day workshop on research networking and proposal writing for the early to middle career researchers in East Africa to enhance the  research capacity in the global south. Expected outcomes of this workshop includes:

  1. Improved understanding of the process and skills in crafting clear, compelling, and well-structured proposals
  2. Enhanced skills in crafting persuasive and impactful project narratives
  3. Enhanced ability to navigate the grant application process, leading to increased success in securing funding for research projects
  4. Increased proposal quality by improving the understanding of key elements, such as project design, objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes.
  5. Increased ability to develop realistic and comprehensive project budgets
  6. Strengthened confidence in submitting successful grant proposals


  1. International Science, Technology, and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC-UNESCO)
  2. National Research Fund, Kenya (NRF-Kenya)
  3. Murang’a University of Technology (MUT)
  4. Maseno University (MSU)
  5. The Technical University of Kenya (TUK)
  6. African Science and Technology Policy Institute (ASTePI)

Organizing Committee

  1. Chrispin Kowenje Maseno University Kenya (Chair)
  2. Mdm Sharizad Dahlan ISTIC-UNESCO, Malaysia
  3. Daniel Nyanganyura FEAHLC / ASTePI, South Africa
  4. Dennis Masika Maseno University Kenya
  5. Elly Tetty Osewe Murang’a University of Technology (MUT)
  6. Dorothy Amwata Murang’a University of Technology (MUT)
  7. Dr Denis Otieno Murang’a University of Technology (MUT)
  8. George Okwadha Technical University of Kenya (TUK)
  9. Sarah Mutua Technical University of Kenya (TUK)

Funded by

  1. International Science, Technology, and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC-UNESCO)
  2. National Research Fund, Kenya (NRF-Kenya)
  3. Murang’a University of Technology

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