Legacy Continues: Mukoma Wa Ngugi Honors Father’s Literary Tradition at Murang’a University

Ngugi wa Thiong’os Son Mukoma wa Ngugi follows his fathers steps.

In a poignant tribute to literary lineage and cultural heritage, Murang’a University witnessed a remarkable convergence of scholarly minds when Mukoma Wa Ngugi, son of renowned author Ngugi wa Thiong’o, graced its halls. Accompanied by Professor Boyce from Cornell University, Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s visit to the university resonated deeply, marking a significant moment in the continuation of a literary legacy. Stepping foot on the same grounds where his father had unveiled the groundbreaking Gikuyu book “Kenda Muiyuru” (Perfect Nine) five years prior, Mukoma Wa Ngugi embodied a profound connection to both his familial roots and the rich tapestry of African literature.

The Scholar spoke to an audience of young graduates of literature, communication and academics from different Disciplines  from Murang’a university of Technology .His talk was centred on the responsibilities of students as  citizens of the world. He urged them to have an extended awareness of their blackness bringing to memory liberation icons like Frantz Fanon and Che Guevara.He mentionedPio Gama Pinto and Malcom X and their connection to East African emancipation struggles that is often glossed over.He urged students to be committed to history and to choose their side of the struggle, which should be with the oppressed people.

Prof Mukoma Doing his Presentations during Muranga Talk

Novelist and Poet

As a novelist, poet, and literary scholar in his own right, Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s presence underscored his commitment to following in his father’s illustrious footsteps, perpetuating a tradition of storytelling and cultural preservation. This encounter at Murang’a University epitomized the enduring power of literature to bridge generations, inspire intellectual exploration, and celebrate the timeless essence of storytelling.

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